
Double Trouble: My Black Silkie’s Two-for-One Egg Mystery

Two Embryos, One Egg X 4: A Rare Phenomenon Unfolding in My Coop?

When you’ve got chickens, you quickly learn that the coop is full of surprises. But this one has left me scratching my head and checking the candling light twice. One of my black Silkies, Belinda, has decided to go rogue on nature and lay eggs with not one but two embryos inside. You read that right: double the chicks, double the chaos, and maybe double the miracle.

Belinda, Black Silkie, is on the right, encouraging her friend to lay more eggs for her to sit on.

So far, I’ve found four of these twin-filled eggs. I had no idea they were double-yolked until I candled them, so it’s not like I was taking a chance—Mother Nature just threw this curveball my way.

She shares her pen with other Silkies and my Easter Eggers. The two roosters in the mix? A massive Egger who looks like he moonlights as a bodyguard and a decent-sized Silkie who carries himself like a rockstar despite his size.

Either this girl’s breaking the mold, or we’re about to learn why double-yolked eggs usually don’t make it far in the hatching game. Still, as she’s gone, broody, these are likely her final contributions for now. That means the stakes are high.

What We’ve Got So Far

Egg #1 is a little over a week along. Day 10, to be exact. When I candled it, my heart skipped a beat seeing both embryos alive and moving. It’s almost surreal, like watching a tiny, glowing dance performance inside the shell.

Picture of double-embryo in Egg #1 Day 10

Eggs #2 and #3, just a few days ahead on Day 12, show the same promise—two distinct lives wiggling around. Then there’s Egg #4, the real nail-biter. On Day 17, it’s nearly impossible to see much inside due to how developed it is. But this one’s on lockdown until Day 21, the big moment of truth—or the moment of chirps. The suspense is equal parts thrilling and nerve-wracking. Every day, I wonder if I’m witnessing a miracle or Mother Nature’s way of reminding me not to get too comfortable.

The Odds of Success: A Rare Phenomenon

The occurrence of two chicks hatching from a single egg is an exceptionally rare event, both historically and in modern times. This phenomenon typically involves a double-yolked egg, where two yolks are encased within one shell. While such eggs can develop two embryos, the likelihood of both chicks surviving to hatch is exceedingly low due to spatial constraints and limited resources within the egg.

In a study where 208 double-yolked chicken eggs were incubated, over 64% of the embryos died within the first seven days. Only two eggs reached the pipping stage, and just one successfully hatched, yielding twin chicks. These sobering statistics highlight just how remarkable it would be to see even one of my twin embryos make it to hatch day.


Why Is This Happening?

Honestly, I’m not sure. It could be genetic—maybe something unique about my Silkie, Belinda, or the roosters’ contributions. Silkies are known for their broodiness and maternal instincts, so perhaps this hen’s body thought, “Why not give it a shot?”

Some studies suggest that younger hens or those with a high protein diet are more likely to lay double-yolked eggs, but it’s rare for those eggs to be fertilized and develop.

For context, I feed my laying chickens a 22% protein diet. If these eggs hatch and this protein boost proves to be a factor, I might drop the name brand here—if they decide to sponsor CoopNSeethe. (Hey, a chicken keeper can dream, right?)

What’s Next?

For now, it’s a waiting game. Egg #4 is nearing the finish line, and the suspense is killing me. It’ll be a big win for chicken enthusiasts everywhere if it hatches. If not, it’s still a fascinating journey and a testament to the unpredictable wonder of nature. I’ll be candling the earlier eggs daily and will keep you posted on their progress. Fingers crossed that we’ll see tiny beaks and hear chirps soon.

Stay Tuned!

This journey is far from over. Whether these chicks make it or not, they’re a reminder of why raising chickens is both humbling and exhilarating. Subscribe and follow along at CoopNSeethe.com to see how this experiment unfolds. Will we witness a backyard chicken miracle? You’ll have to stay tuned to find out.
